Natural Sausage Casings
Use hog casings for fresh or smoked sausage that will be linked or left in a rope style. These casings are standard for Bratwurst, Fresh Italian, Polish, or Cajun Sausage as well as southern style Smoked Sausage or Polish Keilbasa.
Use Beef Rounds for Liver Rings, Ring Bologna, Or Fleischwurst
Sheep casings have the most tender and snappy bite of all natural casings and can be used for Breakfast Links, Snack Sticks, Weiners, and other varieties of fresh, cooked, or smoked sausages.
Fibrous Sausage Casings
Regular Fibrous Casings- For summer sausage, salami, bologna and other cooked and smoked products. Fibrous casings are flexible and strong, provide a uniform diameter, and possess excellent smoke penetration qualities.
For optimum performance soak in 100 degree water for a minimum 30 minutes before stuffing. Soaking maximizes flexibility and increases breakage resistance. Store unused fibrous casings in a cool dry area.
Protein Lined Fibrous Sausage Casings- Protein lined casings are used for the production of cooked, smoked and dried sausages, where controlled meat adhesion is required to ensure that the casing adheres to the sausage surface in a predictable and controlled manner during the ripening and curing cycles.
Our protein lined fibrous sausage casings offers consistent adhesion, permeability and peelability properties consistent over a large moisture range. It is especially suitable for dry and semi-dry products such as salami-type sausages.
Collagen Sausage Casings
Collagen is a natural animal protein. It is extracted, processed into a slurry, and then extruded into edible or non edible sausage casings.
Two types of edible collagen casings are available. FRESH collagen is used for fresh sausages that must be cooked before eating such as breakfast links or bratwurst. FRESH collagen has a thinner casing wall and me even partially dissolve when cooked.
PROCESS collagen has a slightly thicker casing wall which adds strength to the casing allowing the casing to stand up to the extra handling required for smokehouse processing. Use PROCESS collagen for smoked sausage and snack sticks.
Plastic Sausage Casings
Plastic casings are made from a multi layered material and offer excellent moisture, oxygen and gas barriers. Uniform size control from end to end, shrinkable for purge control. Plastic casings are NOT smoke permeable.